A quantum processor is a special type of computer processor designed to use the principles of quantum mechanics, the science of very tiny particles like atoms. While regular processors use ‘bits’ (0 or 1) to process information, quantum processors use ‘qubits’, which can be 0 or 1 or both at the same time. This unique ability of a quantum processor allows it to handle complex calculations much faster than traditional computers.
Some of the top computer science colleges in Nashik are training future engineers to lead innovation in quantum computing. Quantum computing is a new field of computer science that works on quantum mechanics to address problems that classical computers are not able to solve.
The Willow quantum processor is a 105-qubit superconducting quantum computing processor chip developed by Google. Willow was fabricated in Google’s new fabrication facility lab in Santa Barbara, California. Willow quantum processor is a successor of Sycamore 53-qubits processor developed by Google AI division in 2019. Willow quantum processor has the following two achievements.
- First, Willow can reduce the errors exponentially as we scale up using morequbits, which has cracked a key challenge in quantum error correction.
- Second, Willow has performed a standard computation in under five minutes, for which today’s fastest supercomputers take 10 septillion (that is, 1025) years i.e. a number that vastly exceeds the age of the Universe.
Willow quantum processors are designed using superconducting transmon qubits i.e. a tiny electrical circuit exhibiting quantum behaviour at extremely low temperatures. These circuits behave like artificial atoms in a quantum state. It is necessary to maintain these delicate quantum states.
To maintain these quantum states, the qubits are cooled to temperatures just above absolute zero. This cooling minimises vibrations and other disturbances that could disrupt the qubits and introduce errors in the calculations.
Reducing errors is one of the greatest challenges in quantum computing, since the units of computation in quantum computers (qubits), have a tendency to rapidly exchange information with their environment, making it difficult to protect the information needed to complete a computation. Typically the more qubits used will produce more errors and the system becomes classical.
As per the results produced by Google’s more qubits used in Willow quantum processor make it the first chip to achieve quantum error correction below the threshold.
How it works
- Willow has used superconducting qubits that operate near absolute zero (-273.15° C)
- Willow has measurement qubits to correct errors caused by “excited states”
- Willow uses error correction protocols that increase coherence time and allows qubits to maintain their intended state longer.
- Willow Quantum processor has the power to revolutionise fields like pharmaceuticals, material science, logistics, drug discovery, and energy grid allocation
- It could lead to commercially quantum computers
- It is also able to solve problems that are currently unsolvable
- Willow Quantum processor’s enhanced computational power has the potential to break current encryption methods
- Providing quantum-safe encryption solutions will be a challenge
Quantum computing is the future of innovation which will revolutionise the use of technology in diverse fields. Some of the best computer engineering colleges in Maharashtra are conducting cutting-edge research to develop technologies related to quantum computing. This is an excellent field for top career opportunities at the global level.